September 2022
Recently, we had a stained glass expert visit the church. They were here to take measurements of our lovely windows, in order to generate a preservation plan. Just as we have had to replace the roof of the church and repave the parking lot in the past year, so too do we need to give some attention to our windows.
When I first visited First Baptist, like so many others, I was struck by the intricate beauty of our stained glass. Someone explained to me that when our church was being built another church had ordered all the glass, but could not take the delivery, which allowed our congregation to purchase them at somewhat less than full price. (If anyone can tell me more about this story, I'd love to hear it!) These windows have become a part of our common life. They are often the very first thing people notice or associate with our church. When we participated in the Holiday Stroll hosted by the Boro, I heard so many people say: “your church has the most magnificent stained glass.”
Yet for all the ways our windows enrich the life of our community, they are not “necessary”; at least not in the way a new roof is (to keep out the elements) or a well paved parking lot (to prevent people from falling or damaging their vehicles) are necessary. We are making a plan to preserve our stained glass, not just because they are a part of our church building, but because they possess an inherent value. They are special; they are precious, and in all the ways that matter, they are irreplaceable.
In our lives, we give so much attention to the necessary things in life: having a home, paying bills, making sure food is on the table, caring for our families. The necessary is always before us, demanding our resources and our planning. What are the stained glass windows in your life? What are the things that offer enjoyment, enrichment, the opportunity for wonder and appreciation? How are you nourishing and nurturing those things? As we come to the end of Summer and return to the routine of the program year, how are you being called to care for not just the necessary, but the needed?
-Pastor Jon