Missions & Ministries
Mission Projects
Open Door
Freehold Area Open Door is our local, interfaith food pantry serving those in need from the Freehold area.
A collection basket, located in the back of our sanctuary, is available for weekly food donations. We also participate in a Thanksgiving Food Collection.
CROP Hunger Walk
First Baptist’s youth participate in the annual Freehold CROP hunger walk to raise money for the hungry in the Freehold area and around the globe. The walk locally benefits Open Door and EHAP.
Food donations are collected on World Communion Sunday and throughout the year.
Emergency Housing and Advocacy Program (EHAP)
EHAP is a Freehold-area nonprofit that advocates for the homeless and those at risk of losing their homes. They run an overnight hospitality shelter for homeless men.
We donate clothing and other items in need.
American Baptist Women (ABW)
ABW shares in fellowship, devotion, prayer and service. Recently, ABW has been creating “Blessing Bags" and health kits for EHAP.
Christmas Mitten Tree
Our annual mitten tree is set up in our sanctuary to be decorated with mittens, gloves, hats and scarves. These items are donated to local school students providing warmth to those in need.
Little Free Libraries
The Little Free Libraries are small decorative boxes containing a variety of books in English and Spanish, free to those who wish to take a book that interests them. They are located outside the front of the church at the corner of West Main Street and Manalapan Avenue.
Special Offerings
One Great Hour of Sharing supports the work of American Baptist Churches throughout the world.
World Mission Offering supports International Ministries.
Adult Ministry
Young Adults
All young adults of the church ages 30-50 are invited to gather for fellowship and mission work.
American Baptist Women
2nd Tuesday of each month
American Baptist Women (ABW) invites all women and girls to embrace the Baptist fellowship, devotion and service. ABW helps to oversee First Baptist’s participation in local and national mission work through ABCNJ and ABCUSA.
Men’s Breakfast
1st & 3rd Thursday of each month
Join the men of First Baptist for a fellowship breakfast at Gus’s Diner.
Bible Study & Prayer
Wednesdays via Zoom
Weekly Bible Study is a time for prayer and interaction to further incorporate the scripture into our lives. All adults of the church are invited to attend.
First Baptist Choir
Our choir members donate their time and talents throughout the year to enhance the special music in our weekly services. Please speak to Jennifer Corder-Garr if you’re interested in joining.
Children’s Ministry
Sunday School
Sundays, September-June
Our Sunday School is for children of all ages. Sunday School class is held from September to June during our worship hours. Join us for bible lessons and crafts!
Activities & Missions
Numerous special activities are part of our children's program. They include Easter-egg hunts, Christmas nativities, etc.
Our children are also active in local mission projects, especially with Open Door and the CROP hunger walk.