
Contemporary Supper

Our Contemporary Services will now be meeting twice a month, on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. The 2nd Thursday will have a light supper provided for everyone and the 4th Thursday will be a potluck dinner.

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Contemporary Service

Contemporary Service

Our Contemporary Services will now be meeting twice a month, on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. While we are without a pastor, this will be a congregational-led worship experience, and we invite all to attend and be a part of the spiritual fellowship!

Please reach out to Jennifer with any music requests, and we hope you’ll join us! 

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Bible Study

During the Lenten season, the Bible Study group will be engaging with “Embracing the Uncertain: A Lenten Study for Unsteady Times” by Magrey deVega.

All are invited to participate in the discussion on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm. Reach out to Jennifer if you’d like to be added to the list!

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Bible Study

During the Lenten season, the Bible Study group will be engaging with “Embracing the Uncertain: A Lenten Study for Unsteady Times” by Magrey deVega.

All are invited to participate in the discussion on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm. Reach out to Jennifer if you’d like to be added to the list!

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Contemporary Potluck

Our Contemporary Services will now be meeting twice a month, on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. The 2nd Thursday will have a light supper provided for everyone and the 4th Thursday will be a potluck dinner.

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Contemporary Service

Contemporary Service

Our Contemporary Services will now be meeting twice a month, on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. While we are without a pastor, this will be a congregational-led worship experience, and we invite all to attend and be a part of the spiritual fellowship!

Please reach out to Jennifer with any music requests, and we hope you’ll join us! 

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Bible Study

During the Lenten season, the Bible Study group will be engaging with “Embracing the Uncertain: A Lenten Study for Unsteady Times” by Magrey deVega.

All are invited to participate in the discussion on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm. Reach out to Jennifer if you’d like to be added to the list!

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American Baptist Women

The next monthly meeting of the American Baptist Women (ABW) will be held Tuesday, March 11th at 10 am in the Thelma Mount Study. We will continue to assemble snack bags for EHAP. Thanks to generous donations from the congregation, we were able to assemble 6 snack bags and 6 health kits last month, as well as assemble items for future kits.

We invite all who are able to join us for a time of fellowship, devotion and service. Hope to see you there. 

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Bible Study

During this pre-Lenten season, the bible study group will be engaging with J. Ellsworth Kalas' text, "Parables from the Back Side”. All are invited to participate as you are able in the discussion on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm on Zoom. 

All are welcome to attend and be a part of the discussion.

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Bible Study

During this pre-Lenten season, the bible study group will be engaging with J. Ellsworth Kalas' text, "Parables from the Back Side”. All are invited to participate as you are able in the discussion on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm on Zoom. 

All are welcome to attend and be a part of the discussion.

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Bible Study

During this pre-Lenten season, the bible study group will be engaging with J. Ellsworth Kalas' text, "Parables from the Back Side”. All are invited to participate as you are able in the discussion on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm on Zoom. 

All are welcome to attend and be a part of the discussion.

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American Baptist Women

The next monthly meeting of the American Baptist Women will be held Tuesday, February 11th at 10 am in the Thelma Mount Study. We will continue to assemble snack bags and health kits for EHAP. Last month we made 12 snack bags and 5 health kits. If you would like to support us in this endeavor with a cash donation, please see Nancy M.

We invite all who are able to join us for a time of fellowship, devotion and service. Hope to see you there.

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"Souper Bowl" Sunday

"Souper Bowl" Sunday

Sunday, February 9th is Super Bowl Sunday. As we have done in the past, we would like to turn it into “Souper Bowl Sunday”. We will be collecting canned soup and crackers to bring down to our friends at Freehold Area Open Door to help meet the needs of members in our community. Thank You for your support! 

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Bible Study

During this pre-Lenten season, the bible study group will be engaging with J. Ellsworth Kalas' text, "Parables from the Back Side”. All are invited to participate as you are able in the discussion on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm on Zoom.  

All are welcome to attend and be a part of the discussion.

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